Why do dentists love Straumann?

Aesthetic Gingivectomy

Implants are widely considered to be among the most advanced and successful treatments for replacing missing teeth. You can correct the problem of missing teeth by utilizing Straumann dental implants since if you don’t, you may find that you progressively lose the confidence to be around other people because teeth contribute to the overall attractiveness of people’s features. Suppose you have lost teeth over time due to various causes and factors. In that case, you should think of a solution to compensate for the space between your teeth because they affect your appearance to a great extent. If you have decided to fill this space with dental implants, you can use many different brands of implants. Suppose you have lost teeth over time due to various causes and factors. In that case, you should consider a solution to compensate for the space between your teeth. The Straumann implant is one of the most well-known brands in the world; we shall elaborate on this further down the page.

Straumann dental implants: a brief historical overview


For this reason, we want to learn more about Straumann dental implants; however, before we do that, we should probably take a cursory glance at the history of this particular implant brand. The Straumann firm began its operations in Switzerland in 1954 with the release of Bindazim. It wasn’t until 1974 that the company successfully produced the first one-stage implant. The dental implant industry is a specialized one, and one of the areas in which the Straumann firm excels is in the design and production of dental implants and other related equipment, such as abutments and the like.

Every piece of machinery that this firm manufactures is of an exceptionally high standard and excellent quality. This organization’s principal office may be found in Basel, Switzerland. The creation of Straumann implants, utilized in various countries, is the primary factor that brought this corporation the majority of its fame. On the other hand, the company must manufacture its components and products in the United States and Switzerland. Furthermore, products for oral tissue reconstruction are manufactured in Sweden, and restorative dental products are manufactured in European countries and Switzerland.

The superiority of Straumann dental implants cannot be disputed

Superior quality

Dental implants are often used, including Straumann dental implants and those manufactured by other companies from the United States, Germany, Korea, Iran, and other countries. When selecting an implant brand, you should pay special attention to the brand’s quality. This is because many various brands of implants are made worldwide, making it difficult to choose one brand over another. When contrasted with the quality of implants produced by other companies, the Straumann brand achieves a level of excellence that is commendable and ideal. As a consequence of this, the Straumann brand is one of the most famous and much recognized brands in the entire globe.

The exceptional success of Straumann, which is also in part owing to a firm named ITI, is one of the reasons why its reputation all over the world is so favorable, and the level of customer satisfaction with this brand is also a testimony of this high quality. This particular type of implant offers a great degree of flexibility and a visually pleasing appearance, which is one of the most significant benefits of the product. On the other hand, the longer lifespan of this particular brand of implants indicates the excellent and one-of-a-kind quality to be anticipated from this specific company. This can be deduced from the known fact that the lifespan of this particular brand of implants is so long.

The most significant quality of Straumann dental implants 

Great quality

Great quality

Straumann dental implants have the qualities that set them apart from those made by other brands. The implants made by the Swiss business Straumann are characterized by several unique qualities, one of which is an exceptionally high and remarkable level of strength. Because you are not restricted in your options, and it is simple to use, you have a more comprehensive range of Straumann implants from which to choose. On the other hand, the technologies that are accessible in this implant brand have made it feasible to use this implant brand more swiftly. As a result, you will benefit from using this Swiss brand of implants; A premium feature that helps patients feel at ease and comfortable is one of the other benefits that the Straumann Swiss implant brand offers, which is a benefit for you.

 The premium feature that helps patients feel comfortable and at ease is one of the other features introduced by Straumann New technologies such as Roxolid and SLActive ®. This feature is another characteristic that makes patients feel at ease and comfortable. These technologies have critical qualities, such as drastically reducing the number of errors and dramatically improving the rate at which the patient’s treatment is successful. Additionally, the implant treatment will be completed in a shorter time when this specific product is utilized, reducing the overall treatment duration.

Different kinds of implants produced by the Straumann Company

There is a diverse selection of Straumann dental implants available today. The well-known Swiss company Straumann is the one that is in charge of the design as well as the production of a wide variety of different types of implants. Implants may differ from one another concerning their level of sturdiness, their level of quality, and their price. Consequently, you can get this specific implant brand to fulfill your prerequisites. The following items have the potential to be counted among the most critical sorts of implants that the Straumann company produces.

Titanium is the only material that can be used in manufacturing this type of implant, which is why it is referred to as a titanium implant. It should be no surprise that its strength is lower than other types of Straumann dental implants, yet its price is far lower than those different varieties. The therapy’s positive predictability has increased due to the Straumann SLActive implant, and the process of implant grafting with the bone has been sped up as a direct result. SLActive is a very beneficial hydrophilic surface that has offered the possibility of a quick recovery to the patient and has decreased the length of therapy from -12 to 4-8 weeks. SLActive has also reduced the amount of time needed for treatment. According to the Straumann company, applying the prosthesis and cover can take two weeks after the implant has been placed in the patient. The company provided this information.

Because it is made out of a metal alloy, the Roxolid implant possesses a level of strength that is noticeably superior to that of other implants. Straumann dental implants are filled with a material called roxolid. Because of this material’s use, there is a significant decrease in the amount of wear and tear the implant is subjected to and an increase in the implant’s overall degree of strength. Titanium is a component of it. The primary advantage of using this material is that it enables smaller implants, considerably decreasing the need for bone regeneration. This benefit is the most important advantage of using this material. Be aware of the fact that each one of them has a unique set of advantages and disadvantages that come along with it.

The material of the Straumann implant

Durable dental implants

You have probably become familiar with the various available materials if you have inquired about the implant procedures at several dental clinics. Straumann dental implants are naturally crafted from a substance distinct from implants manufactured in countries such as the United States of America, South Korea, Germany, Iran, etc. When deciding which of these implant brands to buy, the quality of the product is one of the considerations you take into account because this factor is present. Titanium or ceramic are the typical materials used in the production of implants by Straumann Switzerland, which is located in Switzerland.

Despite this, the Roxolid implant is often regarded as being of the most outstanding quality among the several implants currently available. This is because its material has been constructed to weld to the jaw bone while maintaining its strength. The material used in Straumann implants has mostly proved that it satisfies the requisite standards regarding its strength and lifespan. This is particularly true concerning the former need. Because of this, there is no cause for concern regarding using the Straumann brand of implants if you select to employ one of the many different brands of implants available.

Dr. Noorbakhsh is here to assist you through the process of getting the outcomes that you have in mind, whether you are interested in Straumann dental implants, gum lift surgery, other dental issues, or even cosmetic procedures. If this is the case, you should look no further than Dr. Noorbakhsh.

Dr. Noorbakhsh Dentistry is proud to use the latest methods and medical services with the cooperation of a team of experts, and university professors, using modern equipment and technology to provide services at the highest global standards. You can reach her office using the information below located on Fereshteh Street in Tehran. You can also visit our Instagram page to learn more about how Dr. Noorbakhsh performs her surgeries on patients and to read the testimonials of different kinds of patients, which will allow you to have peace of mind knowing that you can trust us and that we will be able to give you the results that you are looking for. Just give us a call right now to find out more information about our services. If we weren’t available when you called, you could also reach us at info@noorbakhshdds.com.


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